CLICK the Link below to download the file:
1) Mormon For President? Is It Right For An Evangelical To Vote For A Mormon? - Dr. Norman L. Geisler
2) Consider First Principles-Donald Sanchez (M.Div-(C)
3) Why Do We Love Science? - J. Thomas Bridges (Ph.D.)
4) Hylomorphism as a Metaphysic for Intelligent Design Sciency - J. Thomas Bridges (Ph.D)
5) Craving God's Love: Culture's Misguided Attempt to Fix Agape with Eros Love-Steven Garofalo, M.A.A.
6) What's Wrong with Those Kids? The Shaping of a Generation - J. Thomas Bridges, Ph.D.
7) Reason and Culture-Know What You Believe-And Why You Believe It! - J. Thomas Bridges, Ph.D.
8) Persevere Through Persecution-Living Your Faith in a Faithless Culture - Steven Garofalo, M.A.A.
9) The Identity of Today's Youth-In Community Or In Christ? - J. Thomas Bridges, Ph.D.
10) Why Reason For Truth When Sharing Your Faith-In A Politically Correct Culture? - Steven Garofalo, M.A.A.
11) What About Human Values?-J. Thomas Bridges, Ph.D.
12) The Importance Of Tuning Up Your Prayer Life-Steven Garofalo, M.A.A.
13) What is Relativism? It's Effects On Faith and Life-Steven Garofalo, M.A.A.
14) All Roads Don't Lead To Heaven, Discovering God In The New Age-Steven Garofalo M.A.A.